The Danes have gone back to their studies in Copenhagen. But before they left Theis managed to find another leisterpoint. This one was one of the best preserved, and in my opinion one of the most beautiful that I have seen. The cutmarks, that hint how they are made, are still visible on the leisterpoint.
What a beauty. |
I must confess to a mistake that I made last week. The object that I thought was a quarts arrowhead with resin at the base was infact just a quarts debitage. It looked a bit like the quarts arrowheads that I found on Greenland, belonging to the palaeoeskimoic culture the Saqqaq. So I was fooled. But come to think about it, why would anyone use quarts in Skåne when we have so much high quality flint.
The deceptive quarts debitage. |
Today Erik and I got to digg a deep trench. When we reached the reedpeat layer, the distinctive and charasteristic odour of bad eggs invaded our nostrils. When your down in a hole there is no real way to get away from the smell. Luckily for me I kind of like the smell, because to me the smell is the promise of great findbearing layers. When I smell "the bad eggs" I know chances are good that I migth stumble across something great. The promises of the smell came trough. I found the sharpened tip of a wooden stake in situ in the detritus layer.
Patrik with the wooden stake. |
Clara, found a piece of resin on her very first day at Rönneholm. |
I love digging deep holes. |
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